Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Cold hard facts

 Sydney IVF like to keep you awake during the procedures, Not very appealing after spending the last 8 years sedated throughout my procedures. I was just a little nervous about my endometrial biopsy but much more nervous about flying to Sydney to have it done. My darling Nan came along to hold my hand, I could not have survived this journey without my beautiful family and friends. I was armed with My Nan and a little bit of chemical help thanks to my GP , a special friend of mine highly recommends everyone have a stash of valium in their handbag for emergencies, I tend to agree!
Endometrial Biopsy- now if you are googling this because you are about to have this procedure- cold hard facts….It hurts like hell but it is over in a flash.
Thanks Nan for looking after me xx.
The Biopsy results came back clear so we were good to go ahead with our treatment plan.

The lead up to this cycle was a little more stressful, I felt like we had so much more riding on the treatment. A little visit to my lovely counsellor to clear my head and prepare myself was all I needed to pluck up the positivity and get started. We had reduced my medication so physically I felt a lot better than usual. Thank you to Aunty Louie for escorting me on the flight to Sydney and of course the shopping time.

Egg Collection – now if you are googling because you are about to have this procedure done without sedation-cold hard facts….uncomfortable but not painful.
The anxiety I had about having this done without sedation was enough to keep me awake for a few nights before the procedure, I was so tired that I nearly fell asleep during the procedure.

7 eggs, impressive, we were very excited.

0 fertilization. We were devastated.

We got the next flight out the following morning.

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