Sunday 26 June 2011


We were nicely settled back in Tassie, no seminars and IVF to occupy our time.  I was physically and emotionally feeling so much better.
I had recently been to see our resident Gyno about having all my girlie bits removed, IVF leaves some nasty long lasting effects on your body and I had had enough, I figured if we were adopting then I didn’t need them anymore. Dr J suggested that we just remove the ovary that was giving me trouble and then if things don’t settle down we would do a full hysterectomy. I was Ok with that.

Left ovary with precancerous cyst removed, phew that was lucky.

One morning about 6 months later I woke in tears after dreaming of giving birth to a baby, I remember feeling distraught for days. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. Have you ever had a really vivid dream that just stays with you every minute of the day?

There was no hope that the adoption was going to happen anytime soon and I began feeling like we needed to keep all of our bases covered.
We had always known that going back to IVF was an option whilst we were still young. These thoughts were starting to creep back in to my days. Mum was also very keen for us to try again. Love you Mum xx

The success rate of IVF for couples under 30yrs is approximately 25%, this figure rapidly declines after the age of 35. I was in my early 30’s and didn’t have time to waste. Besides, I don’t want just one baby, I want lots J. Our last IVF Dr in WA had told us it was unlikely after 5 attempts that we would get pregnant, so we made an appointment to see Dr Bill in Hobart…just to see what he has to say.

We had heard great things about Dr Bill, I warmed to him immediately. He is a tall, redhead in his forties unlike his name suggests. We left his rooms, medication in hand, beginning our very next IVF cycle that day. He was very positive about helping us, such a stark contrast to our last Dr.

TASIVF and Dr Bill Watkins are fantastic and I would highly recommend them to anyone considering IVF in Tassie. It was because of their professionalism and personal service that we were able to continue on through many IVF cycles.

I was visiting Nan and Pop just the other day and they had watched an episode of “Inside your body” the night before. Pop looked at me in disbelief and said…”it is a miracle that anyone conceives a baby”.  This is so true, if you don’t know much about conception because one bonk got you pregnant then you should google it!
Nan & Pop xx

Unfortunately we moved through our next few cycles with very few eggs and no success.

We needed to look at other options.


Aileen Zuiderduin said...

I went through a failed IVF with Dr. Watkins February to March 2011. I was devastated with the failure but you're right about Dr. Bill Watkins. He is lovely.

Anonymous said...


I have been a patient of Dr Bill Watkins since September 2012.
The first visit my partner and I went to, he diagnosed me with PCOS and a blocked LHS falopian tube. We have tried clomid, clomid and metformin together, then metformin & gonal-F. We have only tried the once on the Gonal-F due to extremely high chances of conceiving multiple babies and My partner is not happy about using this drug. (Too many scary stories for him) So now we are waiting to do ivf in October when our health insurance kicks in. I am 30 years of age and desperatly hoping for a family before i turn 35. But with Dr Bill we are hoping he can keep helping us.
